Book a consultation

In Smaily’s FREE consultation, you can ask us anything about our platform or planning email marketing strategies. We’ll find a time that works for you – just fill out the form below, and we’ll meet soon!


What will you gain from the consultation?

  • Personalized strategy discussion. We’ll discuss your business goals and how you can successfully achieve them with the help of email marketing.
  • Automation workflows. We’ll show you how to set up essential automated workflows, such as welcome emails, birthday greetings, abandoned cart reminders, and much more, so your email marketing runs smoothly and efficiently.
  • Landing pages. We’ll provide guidance on how to create landing pages that perfectly support and enhance your email campaigns.
  • Templates. We’ll review your email templates and designs together. We’ll offer advice on best design practices to ensure your emails are visually appealing and effective in engaging your target audience.
  • Email list management. We’ll introduce you to the principles of creating and managing an email list, as well as segmentation techniques, so you can target your messages to the right people with precision.
  • Campaign statistics. We’ll show you how to understand key email marketing metrics and measure the success of your email campaigns.