Guides & Tutorials

Adding RSS feed to template

How to add an RSS feed to template?

You can import articles and products from your e-commerce store into your email templates via an RSS feed. A corresponding RSS output must be created for that.

  1. Open the elements menu under the “+” sign in the lower left corner in the template editing view.
  2. Drag the RSS-element to the preferred spot on your template.
  3. Click “Choose items from the RSS / XML feed”.
  4. In the settings window on the right insert the link to your RSS feed in the “Feed” field.
  5. You can choose whether the products are displayed in a row of 3, a row of 2 or one by one in the dropdown menu under “Layout”. If you opt to display two products, you can decide how much space either of them is going to take in the layout.
  6. You can change the settings according to which the products will be selected at the same place (“Advanced RSS settings”). You can hide the title or the description, change the length of the description, colors, the text on the button etc.
  7. Once you’re done with the settings, click “Refresh” (icon with two arrows) in the lower right corner in the settings window.
  8. The downloaded products will appear in the settings window.
  9. Click on the products you wish to add to your template so that a green tick appears on the left corner above the product.
  10. If you’ve ticked all of the selected products, click “OK” on the right above the window.

Products will now be added to your template. You can later change the text and images the same way as you do other template elements.

Example code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<rss version="2.0" xmlns:smly="">
<title>Example Feed for Smaily</title>
<description>Product Feed</description>
<lastBuildDate>Thu, 12 Apr 2018 10:31:20</lastBuildDate>
<title>How to send better email (part 1)</title>
<guid isPermaLink="True"></guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 03 Apr 2018 11:37:56</pubDate>
-<![CDATA[<span style="font-weight: 400;">Email is </span><b>king</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> and still is – a phrase that can’t resonate more truthfully about the current state of email marketing today for small businesses.</span>]]>
<enclosure url=""/>
<title>How to send better email (part 2)</title>
<guid isPermaLink="True"></guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Mar 2018 10:12:03</pubDate>
-<![CDATA[<b>In <a href="">part 1</a>&amp;nbsp;we talked about the design and content of your email campaign. In part 2 of How to send better email, we will talk about the importance of a good subject line.</b>]]>
<enclosure url=""/>