Guides & Tutorials

Response codes

Here are listed all of the possible response codes of API requests.

Parameter Value
101 OK

Request was successful.
201 Data must be posted with POST method

Wrong request method used. POST method is required.
203 Invalid data submitted - ...

Parameter validation error. Check to make sure all parameters have a proper value.
204 Invalid email address provided - …

Email address syntax error.
206 Could not find requested email address

Subscriber with requested email address does not exist in the database.
207 Following fields are required - ...

Request is missing one (or several) required fields.
208 Could not find list with ID - …

Segment with requested ID does not exist.
209 Could not load content from remote URL - …

Unable to fetch template HTML from remote URL. Please make sure the URL is publicly available and returns HTTP 200 OK.
210 Invalid due date provided

Due date field is empty or not in the required format.
211 Domain of From address is unverified

Domain of the provided From address is not verified. Learn more from domain verification user guide.
212 Launch failed with error - …

Error when launching a campaign or A/B test.
213 Invalid win date provided

A/B test winning section due date is empty, in wrong format or before due date.
214 Invalid winning condition provided

Winning condition isn’t one of the possible options as specified in the documentation.
215 Invalid campaign ID provided

Provided campaign ID is empty or in the wrong format.
216 Could not find campaign matching provided ID

Campaign with provided ID does not exist.
217 Unknown column in filter data - …

Field in the segmentation rule does not exist.
218 Unknown operator … for field …

Unsupported segmentation operator.
219 Could not find list with ID - ...

Segment with provided ID does not exist.
220 Could not find statistics entry by email - ...

Cannot find statistics entry by email address. It could also mean that the statistics entry has not been written to the database, yet.
221 Invalid autoresponder ID provided

Automation workflow with specified ID does not exist, workflow is disabled, organization does not have enough credit to queue messages, or workflow has wrong trigger.
223 Missing start or end date

Subscriber action log request start or end date parameter is empty or missing.
224 End date cannot be before start

Subscriber action log request start date is more than end date value.
225 Database insert failed

Internal server error while communicating with database server.
226 Failed to download file from URL - …

Unable to fetch attachment from remote URL. Please make sure the URL is publicly available and returns HTTP 200 OK.