Hello, we are Smaily

About Smaily

Our system is designed for users of all backgrounds. Whether you’re a marketer with no prior email marketing experience or a designer looking for more creative space, Smaily is your answer.

Smaily makes the tedious technical work an enjoyable creative process and offers enough solutions to cover most of your business needs. We provide a full portfolio of services – from helping you set up your first campaign to providing full content and design services, apps, consultations etc.

A leader in Estonia, Smaily is the only company in the Nordic and Baltic region to offer such services at an affordable price, without compromising the quality. We believe that every business, no matter the size, should have the possibility to create amazing marketing campaigns.

An artificial intelligence in tracking customer behavior

The founder of Smaily, Erkki Markus, started the company back in 2005. Back then, email marketing was just a term used by large international organizations with very little interest in the Baltics.

At that time, the focus was mainly on web development and creating custom websites. For Erkki, that wasn’t enough. He wanted to help more customers achieve their marketing goals online. One-time website development didn’t provide consistency and scalability. Meanwhile, email marketing made it possible to clearly measure the success of campaigns and make use of segmentation.

Starting Smaily

After quick deliberation in the world of website development, Erkki decided to focus on one thing – email marketing. Erkki’s vision was to simplify things. He wanted to make email marketing accessible not only to designers and front end programmers, but to marketers and small businesses, looking to take their marketing game to the next level.

In 2011 Tanel Rand- a visionary in advertising and marketing and a cofounder of one of the best advertising agencies in Estonia- joined Erkki to do great things.

And so it started- from being a small one man company, Smaily now has a team of 16. The team consists of developers, customer support, sales people etc. In addition, Smaily has partnerships with various content management companies, designers, advertising and web development agencies etc., to make sure that everything works for you.

“Smaily is an intentionally simple tool to create and send beautiful email newsletters. We’ll help you increase the quality and results of your email marketing while reducing preparation time and resources.”

Erkki Markus

CEO & Founder

Solid track record

Our customers range from freelance designers and SMEs to large international organizations. With our flexible pricing and additional services strategy, we accommodate all of our customers’ needs and provide consultation for further growth.

Our customers include the biggest players from all industries in Estonia. Various retailers, insurance and telecommunications companies, security providers, publishing houses etc. all have one thing in common- they send out beautiful emails with the help of Smaily.

Smaily is the email marketing leader in Estonia and on the shortlist in the Baltics and Scandinavia.


international partners


satisfied customers




letters per month

Meet our team

Here they are! The spotlight is on all the fantastic people who make the magic of Smaily happen.

Erkki Markus

CEO & Founder

Tanel Rand

Marketing Director & Partner

Nele Olm

Client Director / Email Marketing Strategist

Jane Milvek

Customer Success Specialist

Moonika Müllerbeck

Customer Success Specialist

Enelyn Kottise

Customer Onboarding Specialist

Laura Bachmann


Stella Lillo

Social Media Specialist

Kait Todesk

CTO & Founder

Janar Todesk

Back-End Engineer & Partner

Rahel Linnamägi

Product Manager

Mihkel Väin

Full-Stack Developer

Magnus Kokk

Full-Stack Developer

Mehis Tambu

Data Scientist

Kaarel Roopärg

Full-Stack Developer

Inna Rand

HTML Email Developer

Andre Schneider

Graphic Designer

Let the actions speak

Email marketing connects companies with the right customers and helps people find the right products, services, and relevant information they are looking for. In the same way that we help people for their benefit, we care about people for their well-being.

Our team’s heart is to contribute to socially important issues. We care about the community and the people around us and know that just good thoughts are not enough to improve life significantly. During its 17 years of operation, Smaily has supported approximately 70 NGOs, charitable organizations, and initiatives that promote community life or provide crisis assistance.

Hoiukodu MTÜ

Supporting from afar is not enough! Smaily is visiting one of several excellent NGOs whose heartfelt work has made it possible to save many animals caught between the gears of life from the streets.

Estonian Football Association

Our CEO, Erkki Markus, at the 2018 year-end gala of the Estonian Football Association, accepts thanks for supporting Estonian football for many years.

Estonian Association of Families with Children

Part of the Smaily team visiting the Estonian Association of Families with Children – a deeply important choice for a couple of our employees to donate.

Smaily has supported