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Statistics, Statistics – Is My Email Marketing Up to Par?

Email marketing statistics by industry

Email marketing statistics by industryIt’s time to review how Smaily platform users perform in numbers – what are the email marketing statistics by industry to increase open and click rates and reduce bounce rates? The document below presents the statistics among Smaily users across different sectors over the past four years. Find your own sector and see if you outperform the average of your competitors!

What and How We Analyzed

We divided the statistics into three major sectors: retail, services, and leisure and home. Each sector has subcategories to help you position yourself effectively. We looked at the following email marketing metrics: open rate, click rate, click-through rate (CTR), unsubscribe rate, bounce rate, and complaint rate. Each subcategory shows the changes in these indicators over four years, from 2019 to 2022.

Quick overview: general statistics

Over four years, the number of emails sent through Smaily has almost doubled, reaching 1,378,759,583 in 2022. The average open rate has increased and reached 19.13% in 2022. The average click rate has slightly declined over time, as well as the CTR. However, more emails have been successfully delivered to inboxes (98.82%), and the unsubscribe rate has remained consistent throughout the years (0.05%).

Email marketing statistics by industry


In the e-commerce sector, the open rate has increased from 17.8% to 24% over four years. The click rate has decreased from 3% to 1.9%, resulting in a drop in the CTR to 7.2%. There have been more unsubscribers over the years, accounting for 0.18%. However, bounced emails have significantly decreased from 6.5% in 2019 to 1.2% in 2022. The complaint rate has risen to 0.06% from the previous 0.01%. 

See the statistics of other subcategories of the retail sector in the downloadable document!

Hospitality, accommodation, and spa industry

In the hospitality, accommodation, and spa industry, despite the challenges of the pandemic, the average open rate has increased from 29.3% to 33.1% over four years. The average click rate has only slightly dropped from 4.1% in 2019 to 3.7% in 2022, whereas last year it increased. The CTR has slightly decreased from 12.9% to 11%. The unsubscribe rate has dropped from 0.4% to 0.2%. Bounced emails have reduced approximately six-fold, from 13.4% in 2019 to only 2.5% in 2022. The complaint rate has increased from 0.03% to 0.06% over four years. 

See the statistics of other subcategories of the service sector in the downloadable document!

Toys/children’s sector

The toys/children’s sector has radically transformed in four years! The open rate increased from 11% in 2019 to 30.6% in 2022. The click rate has significantly risen from 0.9% to 3.0%. The CTR is at 9%, whereas in 2019, it was 8,5%. Unsubscribers account for 0.2%, and complaints for 0.04%. Similarly to other sectors, the bounce rate has decreased from 9% to 1%. 

See the statistics of other subcategories of the leisure and home sector in the downloadable document!

In Conclusion

We’re happy to see that the general indicators of email marketing are very positive overall, with slight statistical variations across different areas. To enhance your email marketing results, we suggest studying statistics from other industries and analyzing their email marketing trends and tactics in addition to your own field. This can provide helpful tips for further improvement. 

Above, as an example, we highlighted only three sub-category statistics from the general categories of retail, services, and leisure & home sectors. Download the complete statistics file to see all other sectors and their results. We wish you successful email marketing and continued growth in those favorable numbers! 

↗ Download the Statistics Book!