Hacking Email Marketing Once and For All

Email Marketing, Automated Workflows, Email Trends

Email marketing is widely acknowledged as one of the best tools to drive conversion. It’s favored by marketers because it is a highly customizable, low-cost way to get a marketing message across. The downside, though, is that open rates can be on the low side. Sending an email is easy. Pairing it with a great offer is another thing, and convincing the recipient actually to open the email is where the difficulty lies. As a result, marketers tend to accept lower open rates. They work this factor into their calculations and step up their efforts so that they get to send out as many emails as possible. It’s not a perfect solution, but what do you do? Let’s see how you could start hacking email marketing and grow your engagement rates.

Well, for starters, forget what you’ve been told about this form of marketing. You don’t have to be thankful for a 20% open rate on any campaign. In fact, if that’s all you’re getting, it’s time to make some serious changes. While on that mission, you’ll need all the help you can get from experts and the stats about email marketing they publish.

To that end, we’ve scoured the net for advice on how to improve your email marketing campaigns. We came across a lot of advice, and to be honest, some of it left us feeling confused. There’s a lot of conflicting information out there.

Fortunately, we found a brilliant resource for you. The infographic that you’ll see below succinctly lays out everything you need to do to ramp up the success of your email campaigns.

You’ll learn the following:

  • What are the most important aspects of your campaign
  • How to word the subject line properly so that it intrigues your clients
  • Why you must use a pre-header
  • Why the email address you use to send emails is important
  • One hack that can improve open rates by 39%
  • Why you should start getting personal in your campaigns
  • How automation and triggering can boost your results
  • What to focus on with your call to action
  • Whether or not to add images
  • How to include videos in email messages
  • How to take advantage of people’s fear of missing out
  • Why good timing is essential
  • What is essential to make the emails mobile-friendly
  • How to hack content and the layout of the emails

But why are we still talking about it? Let’s go and have a look at the infographic.

Hacking Email Marketing

The article was written by Oleh Koropenko
Community Manager

Next: Email Marketing Automation Demystified

As a small business owner, you may think that marketing automation is just for big companies and, of course, big budgets. However, on the contrary, with such advanced technology, marketing automation has become accessible to everyone. Marketing automation covers many areas of marketing, and in the next blog post, we will focus a bit more on email marketing automation.

Make sure you check our blog regularly and don’t forget to subscribe to our emails. Or you may want to follow up on the last blog post on Ten Smart Ways To Segment Your Mailing List if you’ve missed it.