Smaily Blog

Not just email marketing! Here you will find latest trends and well-working tips for all of your marketing activities! Dig in and work smarter!

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Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel Marketing and Email’s Essential Role in the Mix

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The Art of Community Building With Email Marketing

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Learning from email marketing failures_ woman looking at laptop

Learning from Others’ Email Marketing Failures

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Wooden game pieces symbolizing email marketing customer personas
Mailing List & Subscribers

Customer Personas in Email Marketing: How to Effectively Implement Them

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From Attention to Action: The AIDA Approach in Email Marketing

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B2B vs B2C email marketing

B2B vs. B2C Email Marketing: What’s the Difference, and How to Nail Them Both

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Dartboard Symbolizing Email Marketing ROI
Analytics & Statistics

Top 5 Effective Strategies to Improve Email Marketing ROI

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Young email marketer thinking behind laptop - acquisition emails
Mailing List & Subscribers

Acquisition Email Tips to Grow Your Customer Base

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Handshake - consumer trust in email marketing

Email Marketing Techniques to Increase Consumer Trust

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How to connect CRM and email marketing
Multichannel Marketing

How to Use Email Marketing and CRM Together

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Money under a missing puzzle piece

Creating a Budget for Your Email Marketing Campaign

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Pink graph growing strategy
Multichannel Marketing

7 Ways Email Marketing Can Influence Your SEO Rankings

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Email Marketing Guide for E-Commerce

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Content & Copywriting

Brand Messaging: Consistency is Key to Customer Loyalty and Retention

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Smaily's Industry Insights

10 Email Marketing Mortal Sins

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Ways to Use Email Outreach to Grow Your Business

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8 Clever Upselling Strategies in Email Marketing to Sell More Without Being Pushy

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10 Effective Email Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales

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Email Marketing For eCommerce – 10 Perfect Strategies To 3x Your Sales

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Woman in computers checking out info

The Basics Of Sales With Email Marketing

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Analytics & Statistics

A Brief Introduction To the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

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Mailing List & Subscribers

6 Proven Ways To Capture Email Leads

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Content & Copywriting

How to Create an Email Newsletter Strategy that Gets Impressive Results

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Woman with laptop writing phone by the side
Mailing List & Subscribers

How to Grow Your Email Marketing Contact List

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Person sending a large number of emails from a smartphone

How often should you send marketing emails?

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How to Build Email Marketing Funnels That Convert

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The Stages of a Sales Funnel AIDA Model

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crm with email marketing
Multichannel Marketing

5 Top Advantages of Integrating CRM with Email Marketing

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Deliverability Works in Email Marketing
Deliverability & Reputation

How Deliverability Works in Email Marketing and What Can You Do to Improve It

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How to Create Brand Consistency in Your Email Marketing Campaigns

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Keys to Effective Cold Email Outreach

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AI for Email Marketing: What You Need to Know

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6 Ways To Convert New Customers Into Repeat Customers

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Email Marketing, Email Support
Multichannel Marketing

5 Ways to Use Email Marketing Effectively in Your Omnichannel Support Strategy

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Strategy for Generating Leads For Your Online Business - Smaily
Multichannel Marketing

The Comprehensive Strategy for Generating Leads For Your Online Business

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Referral Marketing Email Marketing Customer Satisfaction

How to Increase Customer Satisfaction and Referrals Through Email Marketing

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attract attention in email marketing | better open and click-through rates | Email blocks
Content & Copywriting

9 Commandments for Newsletter Creators

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Smaily founder and CEO Erkki Markus

7 Reasons Why Targeted Emails Are More Effective Than Social Marketing

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Multichannel Marketing

How SMS Marketing Fits into Your Email Marketing Strategy

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Email Marketing + Promotional Gifts = a Great Idea?

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Email Marketing, Automated Workflows, Email Trends

Hacking Email Marketing Once and For All

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Content & Copywriting

3 Ways Emotional Emails Can Increase Customer Loyalty

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