Guides & Tutorials

Linking attachments, videos and surveys

Adding attachments

It’s not possible to add an attachment to a newsletter (as a file), when sending campaigns to multiple subscribers. However, you can add an attachment to your email as a link.

  1. Upload your file into a cloud (e.g. Dropbox or Onedrive or on your website as a downloadable file).
  2. Copy the embedded link from the platform and add it to your newsletter.
  3. To add the link, select the word(s) in your text (e.g. “Look here”) which you want to open the attachment when clicked on or add the link to a button.
  4. Click on the link adding button on the text editing toolbar.
  5. In the new window you can add the link. Paste the link attached to your file and click “OK”.

Linking a video

Unfortunately you can’t add a video directly into your template, because most email clients do not support that. To add a video, you can either attach the video link to a button or add an image of the video to your template and attach the video link to the image.

  1. Take a screenshot of your video.
  2. You can add a “Play” icon to the screenshot by using Photoshop, Gimp, etc.
  3. Add the screenshot to your template as a regular image.
  4. Move your cursor to the upper left corner of the image until a wrench icon appears. Click on the icon.
  5. In the new window with image settings you’ll find a “URL” field.
  6. Paste the video link you want to add to your template and click “OK”.

Or use a third-party service to generate the video thumbnail with a play button.

Here is an overview of the email clients who support videos in templates:

Linking a survey

It’s not possible to create a survey right into the template because most ESPs don’t support displaying them. You can create a survey online beforehand and add it to your email template as a link. If you already have a survey, you can skip to the chapter about adding a survey.

Creating a Google form

  1. To create a new form, go to and click on the “+” sign.
  2. Insert your questions in the new window.
  3. To add questions, click on the “+” sign.
  4. Choose a question type from the dropdown menu next to the question.
  5. Once the form is ready, click on the “Send” button in the upper right corner of the page.
  6. A new window will open where you can see different options for sending.
  7. Choose sending with a link and copy the link generated.

A more detailed tutorial for using Google forms can be found here.

Adding a survey link to your newsletter

  1. Create or open the template you want to use to send out your survey.
  2. Add the survey link as you would a regular link.
  3. To add the link into the text, select the word(s) to which you want to add the link to and click on the link adding button on the toolbar.
  4. Paste the link into the new window and click “OK”.

You can add the link to a button as well. Click on the button settings and paste your link there.