Guides & Tutorials

Adding “view in browser” and “unsubscribe” links

How to add the "view in browser" link?

  1. To add a link to view in the browser, mark the word(s) you want to attach your link to.
  2. Click “View in browser” from the “Insert” dropdown menu on the text editing toolbar.

How to add the unsubscribe link?

Follow the same steps to add an unsubscribe link.

  1. Mark the word(s) to which the link will be attached to.
  2. Click “Unsubscribe” from the “Insert” dropdown menu on the text editing toolbar.

You can also attach the unsubscribe link to a button.

  1. Open button settings by clicking on the wrench icon.
  2. Insert in the link field and click OK.

“View in browser” and “unsubscribe” text examples in different languages


Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Click here to unsubscribe


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