
Back-in-Stock Notification Emails: Happy Customers, Thriving Business

Happy customer with credit card - concept of back-in-stock notification emails

Out of stock. Three words that can instantly turn a potential customer into a disappointed one. But what if you could transform this disappointment into excitement? Back-in-stock notification emails enable this transformation. These simple yet effective messages can convert missed opportunities into sales instantly and foster customer loyalty. 

Effectively managing these notifications can be further enhanced by integrating your email marketing with CRM technology, allowing for more personalized and targeted communication.

In this brief article, we will explore the importance of back-in-stock emails, why your business needs them, how to implement them, and email best practices that result in conversion.

The Power of Back-in-Stock Notification Emails: Why Are They Important for Your Business?

Before we dive into the how-to’s of back-in-stock email notifications, let us first look at why these emails are so impactful.

1. Higher Engagement

According to a study by Barilliance, back-in-stock emails have an impressive average open rate of 65.32% and a click-through rate of 24.49%. The stats are indubitably higher than standard marketing emails. This higher engagement level indicates that customers are highly interested in being notified when an out-of-stock product becomes available again, and this can help you boost your sales.

2. Increased Revenue

A study reports that merchants see an average of 5-15% increased revenue from using back-in-stock notifications. This additional revenue comes from potential customers who were not able to purchase an item due to its unavailability. This underscores the importance of reconnecting with interested buyers once stock is back.

3. Easy Customer Retention

By notifying customers when the items they want are available, you show that you value their interests. This can boost customer loyalty and retention. Customers are more likely to return to a retailer that proactively keeps them informed about the product availability they are interested in.

4. Reduced Cart Abandonment

How many times have you lost customers because the goods are out of stock? People often have the “if already, then already” mentality when shopping. E-shoppers frequently add additional products to their online shopping carts besides the item they originally intended to purchase. However, if the main buying desire remains unfulfilled, these additional purchases will never happen. Thus, back-in-stock notification emails help to recover those lost potential sales, improving the overall sales results of your company.

Implementing Back-in-Stock Notifications

We have discussed how important back-in-stock alerts can be for your business. Now, let’s see how to implement this strategy effectively. 

Technical Setup

To get started with back-in-stock notifications, you will need to connect your email marketing system to your e-commerce platform.

Here is a general process:

  1. Choose an email marketing tool: There are various email marketing platforms. Many of these tools have built-in features for back-in-stock notifications and ready-made templates. There are many different platforms to choose from and important aspects to consider; for example, you can check out the in-depth comparison of Smaily and Mailchimp here to get an idea of ​​the crucial platform characteristics you have to consider.
  2. Integrate with e-commerce stores: Most e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento offer easy integration with email marketing tools, making it easier for you to automate back-in-stock alerts. 
  3. Create a sign-up form: Add a “Notify Me!” button or form on product pages for out-of-stock items. This enables the customers to sign up for alerts. 
  4. Set up automation: Configure your system to trigger an email when an item comes back in stock. This usually involves setting up a workflow or automation rule in your email marketing platform. 

Best Practices for Implementation

  • Make sign-up easy: The process to subscribe for notifications should be simple and straightforward.
  • Provide immediate confirmation: Send a confirmation email when a customer signs up for notifications.
  • Set clear expectations: Let customers know approximately when they can expect the item to be back in stock, if possible. 
  • Respect privacy: Ensure you are compliant with data protection regulations like GDPR or CCPA.
A person with a credit card buying online after a back-in-stock notification email
Source: Freepik

Crafting Effective Back-in-Stock Emails

Now that we have covered the technical aspects, here comes the fun part – creating emails that people actually want to read (and act on). The content and design of your back-in-stock emails are crucial to their success and to boost conversions.

Compelling Copy

  1. Subject lines: The subject lines are the first thing the recipients see and hence, it should offer a sense of excitement or a sense of urgency or both. Make it count with phrases like:
    • “Great news! [Product Name] is back in stock”
    • “The wait is over – [Product] available now”
    • “Quick! [Product Name] just restocked (Limited quantity)”
  2. Body content: Keep the email body concise and focused. Include:
    • A reminder of why the customer signed up for the notification. This helps to personalize the email and remind the recipient of their initial interest.
    • Clear information about the product’s availability. 
    • Any relevant details (e.g., limited quantity, special offer)
  3. Urgency and scarcity: Create a sense of urgency to prompt immediate action by highlighting limited availability or time-sensitive offers such as:
    • “Only 10 units available”
    • “Back in stock for a limited time”
    • “Act fast! This is one of our best selling items”

Visual Elements

People are more likely to remember things they’ve seen rather than what they’ve heard. That’s why it’s important to include high-quality images in your emails; back-in-stock notification emails are no exception. When you add photos and other visuals to the mix, remember the following points.

  1. Product images: Add high-quality images of the product in your email. This helps the customer to recall why they wanted the product in the first place.
  2. Brand consistency: Ensure the email design aligns with your brand’s visual identity. This reinforces brand recognition and trust.
  3. Mobile optimization: With over 60% of emails opened on mobile devices, ensure your email looks great on all screen sizes and is mobile responsive.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

As email marketers, we’re always looking for clicks. Your CTA button is definitely the most critical element of your back-in-stock notification email. It should be: 

  1. Clear and prominent: Use contrasting colors to make your CTA button stand out.
  2. Action-oriented: In CTA, use texts like “Shop Now,” “Buy It Now,” or “Get Yours Today.”
  3. Urgency-inducing: Consider creating a sense of urgency by incorporating time-sensitive phrases near the CTA. For example: “Time is running out!”, “While Supplies Last”.
  4. Strategically placed: Place your main CTA at the top of the email. It should be visible without scrolling.

Example of a Good Back-in-Stock Notification Email

What is a theory without an example? Let’s look at the copy and structure of a hypothetical and effective back-in-stock email.


Subject line: It’s back! Your favorite eco-friendly water bottle is back in stock 🛍️✔

Preheader: Find quick access to your desired product in this email!

Email body:


[Company Logo]

Hello [Customer Name],


Great news! The stainless steel water bottle you’ve been waiting for is back in stock.


Eco-Friendly Stainless Steel Water Bottle

[Product Image]


32 oz capacity

– Keeps drinks cold or hot for 24 hours

– Available in 5 colors


[Shop Now] CTA button


But don’t wait for too long – we have limited stock, and these always go fast!

Thank you for your patience and for supporting sustainable products.


Kindest regards,

Your [Company Name] team


If you analyze this example, it incorporates all the elements we have discussed: a compelling subject line, clear product information, an appealing image, and a prominent CTA.

Happy customer making a purchase through a mobile phone
Source: Freepik


Back-in-stock notification emails are a powerful tool in your eCommerce business and can be a win-win for both businesses and customers. They help in recovering potentially lost sales and enhance customer satisfaction. By implementing these emails and following best email practices, you can significantly boost sales, enhance customer satisfaction, and strengthen your brand loyalty

The key to success is to make the process easy for customers, provide value through your notifications, and create a sense of urgency that prompts immediate action. With these strategies in place, you’ll be well on your way to happier customers and a thriving business.