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Images in Email Marketing – More than Meets the Eye

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Programmer making an HTML email, taking notes

Limitations of the HTML Email – What to Keep in Mind

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Photo manipulation GIFs in email marketing

A Moving Email: How to Use GIFs in Email Marketing

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A ton of emojis falling and bouncing
Content & CopywritingDesign

Emojis in Email Marketing – Less Words, More Feeling

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Man in fishing gear, catching a fish through a computer - virtual reality

Email Marketing Gamification: Best Practices

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A man with laptop recording a video
Content & CopywritingDesign

Top Tips for Getting the Most Out of Videos in Email Marketing

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Email Footers: An Underappreciated Part of Marketing Emails

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Free Resources for Email Marketing: Get Inspired and Be More Productive With Your Campaigns

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Email Marketing Design: the Art of Typography

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The Importance of Mobile View in Email Marketing

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Analytics & StatisticsDesign

5 Email Marketing Tips To Improve Email Open Rates

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Email Coding & Web Coding: It’s Not The Same

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Content & CopywritingDesign

Free Graphics Tools for Email Marketing Campaigns

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How to Create Brand Consistency in Your Email Marketing Campaigns

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Email Marketing Designs: What is Popular?

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Accessibility in Email Marketing: Tips and Best Practices

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Email Marketing Online Marketing Marketing Psychology
Content & CopywritingDesign

9 Cognitive Psychology Hacks for a Winning Email Marketing Script Creation

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Content & CopywritingDesignMailing List & Subscribers

Unsubscribe Links in Emails: What to Say and Where to Place Them?

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Visual Elements in Email Marketing: A Brief Overview

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